Hawkeye helps Black Widow see where enemies are moving by creating trails that show their path. This helps her aim ahead and hit them better, and her gauntlets do extra damage to these tracked enemies.
Special Effect:
Afterimages created by this ability cannot receive critical hits from enemies
Usage Tips:
Rocket Raccoon makes special bullets for The Punisher and Winter Soldier that can go through enemy armor. They can shoot a lot without reloading, making enemies hide.
Special Effect:
Completely removes reload requirements and provides unlimited ammunition during activation
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Iron Fist and Luna Snow create areas that heal their teammates and slow down enemies. The effect is stronger at the edges of these areas.
Special Effect:
Generates alternating pulses that both heal allies and slow enemies simultaneously
Usage Tips:
The Chilling Charisma Team-Up ability activates when Luna Snow is paired with Namor or Jeff the Land Shark. This synergy allows Luna Snow to infuse her allies with ice energy, enhancing their abilities: Namor: Summons an ice octopus that hinders enemy movement, effectively slowing them down and disrupting their positioning.
Special Effect:
Abilities are enhanced and slow enemies down.
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Black Panther, Psylocke, and Magik make portals that slow down enemies and let their team move fast. Psylocke helps keep the portals open longer.
Special Effect:
Portals remain active for 3 additional seconds after main duration expires
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Spider-Man helps Squirrel Girl make bombs that trap enemies in webs. These bombs also release web-covered squirrels that confuse and trap enemies in different ways.
Special Effect:
Webbed enemies take 20% increased damage from squirrel attacks
Usage Tips:
Invisible Woman, The Thing, Mister Fantastic, and Human Torch work together to make ammo that keeps coming back. Each shot has different elemental effects that change every 3 seconds.
Special Effect:
Cycles through different elemental damage types every 3 seconds
Usage Tips:
Bruce Banner and The Thing throw Wolverine at enemies, stunning them. This makes Wolverine very angry and powerful.
Special Effect:
Wolverine gains 50% damage boost for 5 seconds after impact
Usage Tips:
Hela brings back fallen teammates quickly. When they come back, they knock back enemies and have some of their power ready.
Special Effect:
Revived allies return with 30% ultimate charge and temporary invincibility
Usage Tips:
Cloak and Dagger hide Moon Knight, making him invisible until he attacks or gets close to enemies. When he attacks first, it does a lot of damage using light and dark energy.
Special Effect:
First attack from stealth deals 150% bonus damage
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Scarlet Witch and Magneto make a field that makes their team's attacks stronger. It also breaks enemy weapons.
Special Effect:
Automatically detonates incoming metallic projectiles
Usage Tips:
Groot heals his friends and traps enemies with his roots. When he's with Rocket Raccoon and Jeff the Land Shark, they all stay stronger together.
Special Effect:
Automatically entangles nearby enemies with roots
Usage Tips:
Loki, Mantis, and Star-Lord bring back fallen teammates in a way that confuses enemies. This also allows the team to move to better positions.
Special Effect:
Revived allies emit confusion-inducing energy pulses
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Storm and Human Torch make big fire tornadoes that get stronger. These tornadoes pull enemies in.
Special Effect:
Fire tornadoes intensify with each full rotation
Usage Tips:
Venom helps Spider-Man and Peni Parker grow spikes that can go through enemy armor. The spikes get better when they kill enemies.
Special Effect:
Successful eliminations extend ability duration by 3 seconds
Usage Tips:
Thor, Storm, and Captain America make lightning that jumps between enemies. This is controlled by Captain America's shield and Storm's wind.
Special Effect:
Electrifies enemy shields causing feedback damage
Usage Tips: