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Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch





Attack Type




Movement Speed

6 m/s




Max, Pietro

Voice Actor

Kate Higgings

Scarlet Witch is a Duelist hero renowned for her mastery of chaos magic, enabling her to manipulate reality and unleash potent attacks. Her ultimate ability, Reality Erasure, delivers the highest damage in the game, capable of eliminating all characters except Groot in a single strike.

Team-Up: Metallic Chaos

Scarlet WitchMagneto

The Metallic Chaos Team-Up ability activates when Scarlet Witch and Magneto are paired together. This synergy allows Scarlet Witch to infuse Magneto's greatsword with Chaos Energy, enhancing its range and damage. Once empowered, Magneto can unleash powerful attacks with his enchanted weapon, striking down enemies more effectively. This combination capitalizes on their familial bond, blending their abilities to control and manipulate energy and metal for devastating battlefield impact.

Abilities Overview

Chaos Control (Normal Attack) input

Chaos Control (Normal Attack)

Chaos Control (Normal Attack)

Unleash Chaos Magic on enemies to deal damage based on a percentage of their Max Health and restore Chaos Energy.

ABILITY TYPE - Cylindrical Spell Field

DAMAGE - 6 base + 0.3% of enemy's Max Health per tick

AMMO - ∞

FIRE RATE - 10 ticks/s

RANGE - A cylindrical spell field with a radius of 3m and a height of 20m

SPECIAL EFFECT - Attacks the nearest enemy within range. Hits recharge Chthonian Burst charges, 0.08 per hit.

Chthonian Burst input

Chthonian Burst

Chthonian Burst

Consume Chaos Energy to fire explosive magic missiles, damaging enemies.

ABILITY TYPE - Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact

DAMAGE - 35 per direct hit + 35 splash damage


COOLDOWN - 0.2/s (without Chaos Control)


Reality Erasure input

Reality Erasure

Reality Erasure

Engage in free-flight while charging energy, then unleash it to deal massive damage.

ABILITY TYPE - Spherical Spell Field

DAMAGE - 750

RANGE - 15m

SLOW RATE - Begin to slow down immediately, with the effect gradually increasing to -35% by 3.5s

ABILITY DELAY - 4s charge

SPECIAL EFFECT - Enters a free-flight state upon cast

Dark Seal input

Dark Seal

Dark Seal

Land a hit on a target or the scene, or press E to generate a Force Field that periodically Stuns enemies within range.

ABILITY TYPE - Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact

DURATION - 4.5s spell field - 0.5s Stun duration


INTERVAL - 1.25/s

RANGE - 3m spherical radius



SPECIAL EFFECT - Effect activates upon hitting a target or environment, but can be activated early in mid-air by pressing E.

Mystic Projection input

Mystic Projection

Mystic Projection

Enter the Phased state for free-flight. Press again to exit early.




COOLDOWN - 8s per charge


SPECIAL EFFECT - Invincibility and immunity to all crowd control when phasing

Telekinesis input



Hold Space to fall slowly.

MOVEMENT SPEED - 6m/s, 3.5m/s descending

Chaotic Bond (Team-Up) input

Chaotic Bond (Team-Up)

Chaotic Bond (Team-Up)

Scarlet Witch can infuse Chaos Energy into Magneto to enchant his greatsword. Upon receiving the Chaos Energy, Magneto can unleash its full force, striking down enemies with his enchanted greatsword.

TEAM-UP BONUS - 10% Damage Boost

How to Play Mantis in Marvel Rivals

  • Manage Your Distance: Scarlet Witch excels at mid-range combat but is vulnerable to melee characters. Maintain a safe distance from opponents, ideally positioning yourself behind tanks or allies to unleash your abilities without being threatened.
  • Utilize Ability Combos: Master the use of Dark Seal as a combo starter. Follow it up with Detonate Dark Seal, then unleash Chaos Control and Chthonian Burst for maximum damage output. Practicing these combos will allow you to take down enemies quickly, especially squishier targets.
  • Stay Mobile with Mystic Projection: Use Mystic Projection to reposition and evade enemy attacks. This ability not only provides a momentary escape but also allows you to ascend and change floors, helping you avoid being targeted while healing or regrouping.
  • Time Your Ultimate Wisely: Use Reality Erasure when enemies are grouped together for maximum impact. Activate it from a concealed location or high ground to surprise opponents and avoid being targeted during the charge-up phase. Be cautious, as this ability is heavily telegraphed and can leave you vulnerable if not timed correctly.
  • Focus on Target Priority: Aim to eliminate healers and squishy damage dealers first before turning your attention to tougher foes. Using your abilities effectively can disrupt enemy strategies and create opportunities for your team to secure objectives.

Mantis Counters and Synergies

Strong Against

Struggles Against

Mantis Cosmetics


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Scarlet Witch

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Scarlet Witch Emblem

Scarlet Witch Emblem

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Scarlet Witch

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